Thank you for signing up for EdTOA’s list-serve. In addition to the Website, here are some of the benefits that come with the EdTOA membership:
- We’re 64 campuses strong!
- Collaboration amongst your SUNY colleagues
- Valuable communication tool for the SUNY Ed Tech Community
- Get expert advice from fellow EdTOA members
- Forum for membership to voice common concerns
- We give suggestions so that you may never have to “Reinvent the Wheel!”
- Opportunities for professional training
- Opportunities to present to your peers at the annual STC conference
- Free membership to AVIXA, formally InfoComm (CTS training, webinars, etc.)
- Sign-up HERE:
- Access to FLEX Space
- Sign-up HERE:
- Ability to participate in, “What’s on your Bench?” and other great content
One of us will be reaching out soon to formally welcome you to EdTOA, in the meantime, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to one of us.
EdTOA Membership Committee:
IT – AV Technology Coordinator
Onondaga Community College
Director, Instructional Media Services
SUNY New Paltz
While you are here, please take a moment to review your campus page to ensure all the information is correct.
You can find your campus page here.
At the bottom of each campus page there is a form you can fill out to update the information for your campus. Please feel free to fill out that form now and we’ll update the page as soon as possible.
Finally, if you’d like to subscribe to the site and get notified about new posts and information, you can fill out the form below.
(don’t worry, we only send out an announcement once per month 🙂 )
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Or, click here to return to the main page.